Twitter’s new CEO is Jack Dorsey
My first knowledge that I was on the wrong trail came when I heard the yells of the pursuing savages suddenly grow fainter and fainter far off to my left. … Leggi Twitter’s new CEO is Jack Dorsey
My first knowledge that I was on the wrong trail came when I heard the yells of the pursuing savages suddenly grow fainter and fainter far off to my left. … Leggi Twitter’s new CEO is Jack Dorsey
Nor was it his unwonted magnitude, nor his remarkable hue, nor yet his deformed lower jaw, that so much invested the whale with natural terror, as that unexampled, intelligent malignity … Leggi Lara Croft’s uses new tech to tackle mysteries
Ottobre è il mese rosa, quello in cui si accendono i riflettori sulla prevenzione dei tumori mammari, passo fondamentale per la salute di ogni donna, infatti si stima che siano … Leggi Il beauty rosa di Ottobre
Even if you aren’t a fan of the company’s high-priced in-, on-, or over-the-ear offerings, you have to admit they are all much better than the crude and plasticky Pill … Leggi Beats is announcing the first speaker that it’s made since the company was acquired by Apple last summer
Ho cercato i pomodori gialli in lungo ed in largo quest’estate ormai conclusa. Ho battuto i mercati rionali di tutta Roma, setacciato quelli di Bologna, eppure dei pomodori gialli nemmeno … Leggi Cheesecake salata ai Pomodori
Stick it to the Man! and Zombie Vikings developer Zoink! is already working on a new game simply called FE, and you can play it right now if you own … Leggi Stick it to the Man! creator hid alpha for new game in Zombie Vikings