From left, Auntie Daisy Wilson, four, niece Ruby Stephenson, four, niece Darcy Stephenson, one and auntie Heidi Wilson, two. Ruby Stephenson, four, and her auntie Daisy Wilson, four, who are both in the same reception class in Chorley. See Ross Parry copy RPYSCHOOL : They may look like twins but these two little girls who started school yesterday (Mon) are actually – AUNTIE and NIECE. Four-year-olds Daisy Wilson and Ruby Stephenson will both join the same class at St Gregory’s Primary School in Chorley, Lancs. The coincidence comes after mother Alison Wilson and and daughter Ashley Stephenson both went into labour at the same day, giving birth in next door beds at Royal Preston Hospital. Alison, 43, gave birth to Daisy on April 3, 2010 and on April 6 – just 72 hours later – her daughter Ashley, 25, gave birth to Ruby. The two girls have been inseparable ever since, making their first day at school even more special. Alison, from Chorley, Lancs., says she is proud to see both her granddaughter and daughter starting school.